Anna Sewell, adapted by Gill Munton

Black Beauty

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История о нелегкой судьбе прекрасного черного жеребца. В своей жизни ему придется испытать счастливые и горькие моменты.



Количество лексических единиц

Past simple tense

My first home was a large field with a pond in the middle of it.

10, 995 слов

Present simple tense

‘Those horses have no manners.’

Future tense with will

‘When they grow up, they will be cart horses.’

be used to

I was used to wearing a halter – a simple sort of bridle

Reported speech

‘Ginger says that before she came here, her master was unkind to her.’
We thought that we were going to die in this terrible fire.

verbs + -ing

I enjoyed galloping with him on my back.
I started galloping again, and we soon came to some rough ground.

Past continuous tense

One day, Ginger and I were standing under the chestnut tree.

so + adjective

‘It is so tight that it pulls your head up every high.’

verbs + infinitive

One of them wanted me to go faster and faster.
It began to rain again.

Present continuous tense

‘The tree is blocking the road.’

have to

‘We will have to go the other way.’

Future tense with going to

‘I am going to sell them all!’

Present simple for future

‘Our train leaves at one o’clock.’

Past simple passive

I was sold to a baker, and then to a cab owner called Mr Skinner.


‘If you feed him well and let him rest, you can sell him for a good price.’


horses e.g. foal, horse tackle e.g. bridle, spurs, places e.g. field, jobs e.g. groom, stableboy, adjectives e.g. cruel, ill

Black Beauty
Track 1
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Track 2
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Track 3
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Track 4
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Track 5
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Track 6
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Track 7
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Track 8
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Track 9
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Track 10
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Track 11
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