Richard Brown

The Camcorder Thief

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Приключенческая история, в которой Стивен и Сара, научившись пользоваться видеокамерой, помогут раскрыть несколько преступлений.

Аудиоверсия книги Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves:



Количество лексических единиц

Present continuous tense for future

When’s Robert coming?

2746 слов

Impersonal you

You press this button and you look at this screen.

will for offers

I’ll film something today to show you.

Future tense with going to

I’m going to put on a fashion parade with my friends.

too + adjective

You are too young.

Past simple tense

When it was finished, it looked great.
Steven ran down to see if Robert was hurt.

have got

I’ve got a real camcorder at home.

Past continuous tense

The man was wearing a black jacket, with a picture of a tiger on the back.

like +

I like talking to the customers.


Stop thief!
Don’t point that thing at me!

Past perfect tense

But the thief had disappeared.

there was/were

There was a note on it.

Present simple tense

People work in many different TV jobs.


A reporter must look smart and speak clearly.


action verbs, activities e.g. play football, put on a fashion parade, jobs

The Camcorder Thief
Track 1
(1.2 Мб)
Track 2
(1.1 Мб)
Track 3
(1.2 Мб)
Track 4
(1.6 Мб)
Track 5
(851.4 Кб)
Track 6
(1.3 Мб)
Track 7
(1.1 Мб)
Track 8
(1.2 Мб)
Track 9
(1 Мб)
Track 10
(981 Кб)