Optimise your exam preparation classes through personalisation
13 Березня
Запрошуємо взяти участь у вебінарі від автора багатьох екзаменаційних підручників Малкольма Манна на тему:
‘Optimise your exam preparation classes through personalisation’
Дата поведення: 13 березня
Час проведення: 16.00 - 17.00 (за українським часом)
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Summary: Preparing teenagers for exams can be soulless and dry at times, and the tasks we get our students to do can be divorced from their lives and personal experience. In this session, we’re going to look at how to bring in an element of student-centred personalisation to exam classes to aid interest and motivation.
Malcolm Mann is an English language teacher and materials writer. He is the author or co-author of numerous ELT courses including the Destination, Laser and Optimise series (all published by Macmillan Education) and has given presentations in many countries round the world. In his spare time, he's a partner in a bike shop and café/bar in Athens. Malcolm is a former Chairperson of TESOL Greece.