
Macmillan Ukraine Online Conference “BACK TO SCHOOL”

30 Серпня 15:00
Macmillan Ukraine Online Conference “BACK TO SCHOOL”

Шановні колеги!

Запрошуємо на щорічну конференцію видавництва "Макміллан" для вчителів англійської мови Macmillan Ukraine Online Conference “BACK TO SCHOOL”

Day 2

15.00 – 15.15   Inna Nestoiter, привітання від комантди видавництва “Макміллан”

15.15 – 16.15 - Karolina Kotorowicz, за підручником “Gateway”
Learner-friendly assessment for teenagers: the why, the what and the how.

Lets’ face it – school cannot exist without assessment. Evaluating students’ progress in almost every educational system involves marks, scales and exams. Students also need to be assessed for us to see how much they have already learnt and what they still need to work on. The problem is that traditional tests and other forms of summative assessment rarely offer constructive feedback – and they certainly make students feel stressed. So how to make sure our assessment does the job well while actually supporting our teenage students?

This is where formative assessment comes to rescue. It can create a learner-friendly environment, help students check on their progress as well as develop a whole range of life skills. In the webinar I will explain some of the most basic ideas behind formative assessment and I will show some practical tips for everyday classroom. I will focus on such areas as providing positive feedback, reacting to students’ mistakes or introducing peer assessment. Come along and see how formative assessment can work its magic in your classroom!

16.30 – 17.30 - Jacek Lagun, ‘Get 200’

MARK MY WORDS – on different forms of assessment in vocabulary teaching for exam preparation

Preparing teenage students for an exam is a delicate matter. They have to stay focussed on the task to meet examination demands – but they are young people, not used to concentrating for longer spans. They need attractive, varied stimuli – but also a lot of information on their progress or lack thereof. How can all of this be done? My answer is: with the help of different forms of assessment. And I would like to show you how this can be done in practice.
In my highly practical session, I am going to present various forms of assessing a student’s performance. I hope I’ll persuade you that they can become an integral part of your teaching repertoire when you work with examination-focussed groups. I am also going to present ways of teaching vocabulary in an exciting and stimulating manner, with the average teenage brain very much in mind.

17.30 – 18.00 – Summary of the Day!

Реєстрація за посиланням: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nQAZUko0SLG0QIG3p_4zRA